Internal Medicine Doctor

Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine Doctor / 15.03.2020

Written by: Robert A. Freedman, M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine Board Certified Infectious Diseases Chief of Infectious Diseases [email protected] (Questions submitted will potentially be answered in future articles/updates) This is a 2nd post in a series of posts about COVID-19, you can read our first post here. — After my previous article on the...

Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine Doctor / 12.03.2020

Written by: Robert A. Freedman, M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Chief of Infectious Diseases Miami Jewish Health Systems Chief of Infectious Diseases Kindred Hospitals of South Florida [email protected] (Questions submitted will potentially be answered in future articles/updates) --- As an Infectious Disease specialist in the community, who has been...